Confirm your phone number to complete your booking
Successful booking. Payment on the bus
The reservation is valid until the departure of the bus.
You can also pay for it online.
Payment upon boarding is only available in the currency of departure country.
If you decide not to go, be sure to cancel your reservation.
If you do not use your reservation, the ability to make another reservation for your phone number will be blocked.
Am rămas încântat de deservire si calitate
Nice trip and friendly drivers
Mijlocul de transport are conditii perfecte, insa Soferii sunt inculti, agresivi verbal si foarte aroganti.
Am rezervat cu o săptămână în urma 2 locuri și când am ajuns pe loc sau oferit altele și șoferul categoric nu a dorit sa respecte ceia ce era scris în bilet. Asta ma supărat și indignat cel mai tare.
Really nice and positive driver.
Ride went with comfort and just in time
All was very nice
A lovely new bus, with Starlink wifi! Comfortable, and fast. Highly recommend. Value for money
Mia placut foarte mult
Driver was very competent and polite.
Thank you very much!