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The difference between reserving and purchasing an online ticket

Publicat: 17.05.2023

Planning a trip soon? Buy or reserve tickets online with GAL Trans - on the website or in the GAL Trans app. But what is the difference between buying a ticket with online payment and reserving it?



  • When you opt for buying a ticket with online payment, you have 1.5 hours to make the payment with the link provided, otherwise the ticket will be automatically canceled.

If you want to purchase the ticket with cash to the driver upon boarding, always select ticket reservation!


When you buy or reserve tickets online, you can directly select the discount for which you are eligible: student discount / return ticket discount / senior citizen discount, etc.

GAL Trans operates daily trips with modern and comfortable coaches that connect various destinations in Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, and other countries.


Buy or reserve your travel tickets and use the GAL8 code for an extra -10% discount.