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What can you do during a trip with GAL Trans?

Publicat: 19.04.2023

What can you do during a bus journey? GAL Trans takes care that the hours spent on the road are as relaxing and enjoyable as possible, providing modern coaches equipped with all the facilities needed for a pleasant journey.

Here are a few things you can do during the hours spent on the road to your destination: – 

  • Relax, or even sleep! The bus coaches are very spacious, and the comfortable seats ensure a pleasant journey without back pain or discomfort.
  • Complete work tasks, watch a movie or listen to music - all GAL Trans coaches have free Wi-Fi and power outlets, so you can charge your devices and be always online. 
  • Newly... in some coaches, and more are coming, we have started to integrate interactive touch screen TV - for each passenger! You can read, watch a movie or series, or play games.

Buy your travel ticket online now here or in the GAL Trans app.